(315) 715-3637
(315) 715-3637

Personal Development

The fastest path between two points is a straight line. Unfortunately, when you have very different people in communication with one another, there’s often a messy, sometimes chaotic line between the two. 

By putting TYPEd training into practice, you strengthen both listening and communication skills. That line soon becomes straighter and straighter. 

By cutting out miscommunication, eliminating assumptions, controlling body language, and focusing on better question selection, participants can build stronger bonds and better relationships.

But why?

As a personal coach, Sarah works with individuals to help develop emotional intelligence skills to achieve personal life goals.

You are responsible for your own actions and outcomes.

Through self-exploration and true self-awareness, TYPEd can help you gain a real understanding of why you do what you do, why you behave the way you behave, and just what makes you, you. In knowing this, it can help you develop into a more dynamic listener and performer, and become a better friend, partner, or spouse. 

Ultimately, personal development training helps to build stronger, deeper connections with others. That’s why it’s welcomed and encouraged for couples to engage in TYPEd training if they are looking to enhance their communication skills and grow closer to one another.

What you get:

  • Introductory session to identify expectations and goals
  • MBTI® Profile-Global Step I assessment (with best-fit Type session)
  • Individualized personality map 
  • 1:1 sessions to build personal growth plan

Get more information today.


“Working with Sarah has helped me understand the unique genius and limitations in all of us. None of us are perfect, but all of us contain the potential for greatness if we become our authentic self and appreciate the differences in each other. Through the understanding of my cognitive functions, I am able to work more effectively, build stronger relationships, and manage failure and success in positive growth-centric ways. Sarah’s approach is both intellectual and caring and gave me the space to grow with gratitude and appreciation for who I am. It also helped me understand my blind spots and weaknesses so that I could build proper structures to mitigate their effects. I believe that knowing yourself is key to better understanding others. And through my work with Sarah, I have achieved both.”

Randy Hoch
Rome, NY
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